
of Newb X Legacy

Customizing Newb X Legacy is not as simple as just editing a text file. If you still want to try, go ahead. You can ask for help on our Discord server if you face issues in following this guide.

To learn more about RenderDragon shaders take a look at this documentation.



Requires around 200Mb data to download necessary apps and files.

Termux NMM File Manager

1. Install Termux (For building shader)

2. Install NMM File Manager (For editing) - You can also use Acode instead

3. Open Termux and run the following commands

pkg install openjdk-17 git
git clone
cd newb-x-mcbe

4. Launch NMM File Manager and open sidebar. Click + icon and choose External Storage. Select Termux app in sidebar and accept permission.


In Termux, go inside newb-x-mcbe folder

cd newb-x-mcbe

Now build files by:


To build only some materials, run (saves time):

./ -m RenderChunk Sky

The output will be in build folder.

To edit config, Open NMM, go to termux's home/newb-x-mcbe/include/newb/config.h. After making a change, build the shader and test it to make sure it works.



1. Install Git.

2. Download

3. Extract contents into a folder.

4. Go inside the folder and open command prompt there.

5. Run .\setup.bat. This will download MBT, shaderc, and material data required to build shader.


Navigate to newb-x-mcbe folder.

To build all shader files, do:


When editing config, you generally want to save build time by only building shader files you need:

.\build.bat -m RenderChunk Sky

This will only build the terrain file. The output will be in build folder.

Config is inside include\newb\config.h. Open this file using a text editor to edit the values. After making a change, build the shader and test it to make sure it works.