
of Newb X Legacy
*video tutorial uses different shaders as an example


Using Patch App

Minecraft (Patched) APK

1. Download and install the Minecraft (Patched) APK.

2. Download the shader and import it into Minecraft (Patched).

3. Activate the shader in global resources.

4. Now restart Minecraft to see changes.


Using BetterRenderDragon

1. Download and extract it.

2. Download the shader and import it into Minecraft.

3. Run the batch script LaunchMinecraft.bat present inside BetterRenderDragon folder. This will launch Minecraft.

4. Press F6 to open BetterRenderDragon window and then enable the MaterialBinLoader option.

5. Activate the shader in Global Resource Packs and restart Minecraft.


Frequently asked questions

Can I use shaders without patched Minecraft APK on Android?

No, you have to use patched Minecraft APK.

Does the patched app support online multiplayer?

Yes, the patched app doesn't break any existing feature. It only adds support for loading shaders.

Can I use other shaders in Patch App?

Yes, the Patch app supports all RenderDragon shaders. You can find other shaders here.

Why is the sky cutting off at the bottom?

You have to enable the shader in global resources and restart Minecraft to reload the cubemap.

Why are there no new updates for this shader?

Most of it's latest updates are posted at the Discord server. It will take quite a while before a release is made here.

How can I customize this shader?

You can take a look at customization guide. Some custom variants made by other users can be found at the Discord server.