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Installation on Android

Using Patch App (MBL)

The Patch App (MaterialBinLoader) is a modified Minecraft app that includes MaterialBinLoader, which is a patch to make the game load RenderDragon shader files (material.bin) from resource packs.


Download Patch App (MBL)

The Patch App is maintained by YSS Group. You can download the APK file from their official website:


The Patch App uses a different name "Minecraft (Patch)", so you don't have to uninstall your original Minecraft app. You can keep both apps together.

  1. First, download and install the Patch App. You can use 64Bit Checker to know which version is supported on your device.
  2. Download the Android version of the shader pack (.mcpack).
  3. Using a file manager, open the .mcpack with Minecraft (Patch). Use NMM File Manager if your file manager doesn't let you open files with a different app.
  4. After the pack has been successfully imported, activate it in global resources.
  5. Finally, restart Minecraft.

Using Patch App (Draco)

The Patch App (Draco) is a modified Minecraft app that includes DracoPatch, which is a patch that makes the game load RenderDragon shader files (material.bin) from resource packs. It also includes additional features such as porting shaders with old material formats to the new format on the fly.

Download Patch App (Draco)

The Patch App (Draco) is maintained by mcbegamerxx954. You can find the download link to the Patch App in YSS Group or Newb Community Discord servers.


The Patch App (Draco) uses a different name "Minecraft (DracoPatch)", so you don't have to uninstall your original Minecraft app. You can keep both apps together.

  1. First, download and install the Patch App.
  2. Download the Android version of the shader pack (.mcpack).
  3. Using a file manager, open the .mcpack with Minecraft (DracoPatch). Use NMM File Manager if your file manager doesn't let you open files with a different app.
  4. After the pack has been successfully imported, activate it in global resources.
  5. Finally, restart Minecraft.

Manual method

Not recommended

For this method, reinstallation of Minecraft will be necessary, so please make sure to backup your Minecraft worlds before proceeding.

Get Minecraft APK

An un-split Minecraft APK is required to edit. You can skip the following steps if you already have one.

  1. First, install APKtool.
  2. Open APKtool and go to the Application tab. Then, select Minecraft from the Installed Applications list and choose "Antisplit".
  3. Enable "Use aapt2" and select "Don't sign" under "Select a signature file".
  4. Now wait for the APK extraction process to complete.
  5. After completion, the APK file can be found in APKtool_M folder inside your internal storage.

Replace shader files

Once you have the un-split Minecraft APK, proceed with the following steps to add the shader files:

  1. Install MT Manager by clicking on the blue 本地下载 (Local Download) link on the website.
  2. Open MT Manager and open the folder containing the un-split Minecraft APK on one side and the downloaded shader pack on the other side.
  3. Press the Minecraft APK and click on "View". On the other side open the shader pack.
  4. Inside the APK, navigate to assets/renderer/materials to find the vanilla material.bin files.
  5. Inside the shader pack, long-press the material.bin file, click on "Add ->", and check the "Auto sign" checkbox before clicking OK.
  6. If there are multiple material.bin files, repeat the same process for each of them.
  7. Go back to the previous menu, select the APK file again, and go to "Function".
  8. Choose APK Sign and click OK.
  9. Now, you can install the modified APK, and you will see the shaders applied in-game.

If there are additional files like base.mcpack accompanying the shader file, follow these steps:

  1. Select the base.mcpack file and click on TYPE at the bottom left. Choose ALL, then select Minecraft to open it.
  2. Once the resource pack is loaded, apply the resource pack, and the process will be complete.

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